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Greg Valentine - What Macho Man Randy Savage Was Like to Wrestle

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine talks about his matches vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage at both WrestleMania and WCW Nitro. Enjoy this exclusive new shoot interview from Title Match Network, live in Las Vegas. Streaming now 📺 Timecodes: 00:01​ Friendship with Macho Man 00:30 Memories of the Poffo family (Angelo, Lanny, Randy) 00:50 Matches vs Ricky Steamboat & Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 4 01:40 How the heel leads the match 02:30 In-ring psychology 03:27 Second return run to WCW in mid 90s 03:55 Wrestling Savage & Lex Luger on Monday Nitro, losing gracefully 04:05 Working WCW Saturday Night events 04:30 Starting out on the independents, leaving the company 05:25 When I Wrestled The Giant (aka Paul Wight in AEW) on Nitro Produced by us in Feb 2021, this is our first ever solo shoot interview with Hall of Fame legend, Greg Valentine.
