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Скачать с ютуб AI journalism: the next generation в хорошем качестве

AI journalism: the next generation Трансляция закончилась 1 год назад

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AI journalism: the next generation

AI is now part of news gathering, production and delivery around the world, from small specialist newsrooms to global organisations. But how is changing the journalism created and what impact will it have on the industry overall? What are the ethical, economic and editorial issues at stake as machine learning, text/video generation, automation and personalisation become drivers of news creation and consumption? Organised in association with the JournalismAI team at Polis/LSE. Con: Charlie Beckett (direttore Polis London School of Economics), Gina Chua (executive editor Semafor), Lisa Gibbs (director news partnerships Associated Press ), Chris Moran (The Guardian) #ijf23, Festival del Giornalismo, Journalismfest, Charlie Beckett, Gina Chua, Lisa Gibbs, Chris Moran
