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Deb Orah - Baraka [Official AUDIO]

Subscribe to HFP Music YouTube: Stream on Spotify: Stream on Apple Music:   / album   Lyrics Every morning that I wake, I’m reminded of your goodness, I’m reminded of your favour It is only by your grace That am here to testify all of my days PRE CHORUS In the morning time (naona baraka zako) I see your blessings falling, falling on me And in the evening time (naona baraka Zako) I could be here all day, counting my blessings (Sema) CHORUS: (Sema) Moja, mbili, tatu, nne Ninaweza kuendelea Kuhesabu baraka zangu Verse 2: You have blessed me with another day Your blessings just keep coming my way You’ve poured your favour on me And I’ll never ever stop counting my blessings so I’ll say.. Bridge: Kila muti ata sema, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Your children will testify and say hallelujah hallelujah Kila muti ata sema, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Everyone will testify and say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Written by: Deb Orah Produced by: CalledOut Music Mixed and Mastered by: Whiteblock Group ____________________ ►Connect with Deb Orah; Instagram -   / deb_orahmusic   Twitter -   / deb_orahmusic   ►Connect with HFP Music; Instagram -   / hfpmusic   Twitter -   / hfpmusiclabel   ►For more music, try out these playlists: Deb Orah's Playlist:    • Deb Orah   CalledOut Music's Playlist:    • CalledOut Music -  My Beautiful Reality   Checkout Marizu's Playlist:    • Marizu Melodies   RAE RAE's Playlist:    • Rae Rae Sunshine   Makpo's Playlist:    • Makpo Music   Daphne Richardson's Playlist:    • Daphne Richardson   #HFPMusic #deb_orah #baraka
