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10 Underrated Sports Cars Of The '70s 8 лет назад

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10 Underrated Sports Cars Of The '70s

Follow me on Instagram - @VisioRacer - for more car stuff. And subscribe to my channel here: Follow me on - Facebook:   / visioracer   Instagram:   / visioracer   Google+: Music - 'lifecouldbeadream' by future james   / lifecouldbeadream   Disclaimer - Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work. The original works were altered quantitatively or qualitatively and the video does not compete with the market for the original works. There were used small portions of the materials in a new context and expression for illustrative reasons only. I do NOT own the video materials and all credits belong to respectful owners. In case of copyright issues, please contact me immediately for further credits or clip delete. Credits - “1977 Lotus Esprit white exterior” by Testsieger    • Видео   “1977 Lotus Esprit S1 - Black - 422H - Cold Startup” by Matt Guthrie DeLange    • Видео   “1977 Lotus Esprit S1 Video Test Drive” by Michael Donick    • 1977 Lotus Esprit S1 Video Test Drive   “Prueba Dino 308 GT4” by Iván Vicario Martin    • Prueba Dino 308 GT4   “Ferrari Dino 308 GT4 start up sound + rev” by SupercarsAction    • Ferrari Dino 308 GT4 start up sound +...   “Ferrari Dino 308 GT4” by Kanal von Ruinatori    • Ferrari Dino 308 GT4   “Maserait Merak SS” by Classicandsportscar1    • Видео   “Maserati Merak 2000 GT” by Keep Kult    • Видео   “Rare 1975 Lamborghini Urraco Test Drive and Drive By” by Sunset Classsics    • Rare 1975 Lamborghini Urraco Test Dri...   “Lamborghini Urraco rally V8  Exhaust” by Supercar maniac    • Lamborghini Urraco rally  V8  Exhaust   “Wheeler Dealers Lamborghini Urraco test drive in Dolomite Mountains” by Edd China’s YouTube channel    • Wheeler Dealers Lamborghini Urraco te...   “Detomaso Pantera GTS START-UP engine and Accelerate” by WillLillo SuperCars    • Detomaso Pantera GTS START-UP engine ...   “RARE DeTomaso Pantera GTS Start-Up & Accelerations! Deep Exhaust SOUNDS!” by JWT Supercars    • RARE DeTomaso Pantera GTS Start-Up & ...   “1973 Pantera De Tomaso Test drive 100+ MPH Auto Appraisal Bay City Saginaw Michigan” by AutoAppraise    • 1973 Pantera De Tomaso Test drive 100...   “Testando a suapensão dianteira do Volkswagen SP2” by Bruna Gonçalves    • Testando a suapensão dianteira do Vol...   “Volkswagen SP2” by Mobilisti    • Volkswagen SP2   “VW SP2 - Motor com Injeção Eletrônica MegaSquirt-II” by Franklin Santos    • VW SP2 - Motor com Injeção Eletrônica...   “Renault Alpine A310 V6” by Beoint Potdevin    • Renault Alpine A310 V6   “Alpine A310 Evolution” by rolandlyon    • Alpine A310 Evolution   “1er Rallye des Bauges VHC Alpine A310 1800” by Fred Lebghil    • 1er Rallye des Bauges VHC Alpine A310...   “1972 Ford Mustang Mach 1” by c9zx    • 1972 Ford Mustang Mach 1   “1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Borla Pro XS muffler exhaust” by MeZapU    • Видео   “1976 Porsche 914” by justin moss    • 1976 Porsche 914   “Fiat X1/9 drifting in the wet” by Ikseennegen    • Fiat X1/9 drifting in the wet   “Fiat X1/9 1974” by virtualudrive    • Fiat X1/9 1974   “Fiat X1/9 insanity” by TestShoot    • Fiat X1/9 insanity  
