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Скачать с ютуб 2020 Lexus ES 350 F-Sport // Smooth as Silk, but NOW with a Sporty Edge! в хорошем качестве

2020 Lexus ES 350 F-Sport // Smooth as Silk, but NOW with a Sporty Edge! 4 года назад

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2020 Lexus ES 350 F-Sport // Smooth as Silk, but NOW with a Sporty Edge!

The 2020 Lexus ES 350 is a luxury sedan, but in this F-Sport configuration, it definitely has a good dose of dynamics in the mix! And with a $50,000 price point, is this a BETTER DEAL than the Audi A6, Mercedes E-Class and Lincoln MKZ?? Or should you just go get a Toyota Avalon for cheaper?? Go ahead: CLICK to find out :) Also, be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this review -- it helps us more than you can imagine! Please SUBSCRIBE for updates on our latest videos! HELP US REACH 250,000 SUBSCRIBERS!! It's FREE!    / carconfections   Follow us on our social medias! Instagram: car_confections Snapchat: carconfections Website: #lexus #lexusES350 #carconfections #fSport #lexusES #es350 © Car Confections, LLC 2020. All rights reserved. “Sampling the Latest Automotive Delicacies!”
