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Acoustic Tonewood Comparison: Rosewood (Eastman E20OM) vs. Mahogany (Eastman E10OM) In this video, Sound Pure acoustic guitar specialist Derek Lebo highlights the differences between mahogany and rosewood acoustic guitars using an Eastman E10OM with mahogany back & sides and an Eastman E20OM with rosewood back & sides. E20OM playing begins at: 0:53 E10OM playing begins at: 2:03 This gear is available for our exclusive, free demo Try Before You Buy program. Just give us a call at (919) 682-5552, or email us at sales(at) Sound Pure is an instrument and pro audio shop specializing in high-end and boutique gear. Check out our gear demos, how to videos, and gear comparisons, and then reach out to our experts to help you make an informed purchase. We're here to help you find the perfect gear for your needs.
