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Painless Dental Care with Dental Anesthesia

Getting painless dental care with dental anesthesia is all we need. Have you asked yourself how did that happen? Dentists usually use local anaesthesia. With local anaesthesia, only the area being treated is anaesthetized. Most treatments are performed under local anaesthesia. But, have you heard of sedation? RESOURCES & LINKS: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions discussed with Doctor Baik (from S-PLANT Dental Hospital) What are the types and differences in dental anaesthetics? What types of sedation or sleep dentistry are there? Who is a good candidate for sedation dentistry? Can the patient feel anything during the treatment? Is this sleep dentistry safe for everyone? Is it possible for all dentists to perform sedation and anaesthesia on every patient? Are there any side effects of sedation? ------------------------------------------------------------------- ► Doctor's Profile: ► If you have any health issues contact us anytime, we here to help at CloudHospital – ► Subscribe:    / @cloudhospitaltv   to learn more about various health and beauty topics. ► Find us on Facebook:   / icloudhospital   ► On Instagram:   /   ► On LinkedIn:   / cloudhospital   ► On Twitter:   / cloudhospitali   #DentalAnesthesia #SedationDentistry #DentalSedation #DentalKorea #CloudHospital
