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Скачать с ютуб सिर्फ़ ऑर्डर पर बनाया जाता है राजस्थानी तड़के वाला हांडी मटन | Spicy, Tasty Restaurant of jaipur в хорошем качестве

सिर्फ़ ऑर्डर पर बनाया जाता है राजस्थानी तड़के वाला हांडी मटन | Spicy, Tasty Restaurant of jaipur 1 год назад

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सिर्फ़ ऑर्डर पर बनाया जाता है राजस्थानी तड़के वाला हांडी मटन | Spicy, Tasty Restaurant of jaipur

#mutton #handimutton #indianfood #nonvegfood #streetfood #ahunamutton #champaranmeat #indianstreetfood #streetfoodindia #jaipur #jaipurfoodtour #virtualbanjara #pinkcity ‪@VirtualBanjara‬ Enjoyed the taste of SPICY TASTY RESTAURANT. Unique Making of Rajasthani Handi Mutton like Champaran & Ahuna Handi Mutton was very tender and very apt to palate. RAKESH is a very nice MAN , Must try THIS HANDI MUTTON atleast once if you are from Jaipur Or From anywhere 👍👍👍 Contact number - RAKESH JI 94140 00397 099285 96777 Google location -Spicy tasty restaurant 099285 96777,%20Pn%20d-236d,%20Skit%20Rd,%20Kusum%20Vihar,%20Vidhyadhar%20Nagar,%20Jagatpura,%20Jaipur,%20Rajasthan%20302017&ftid=0x396dc907ce7a687f:0x2207d7e11c629b9&hl=en-IN&gl=in&entry=gps&lucs=,47071704,47067413&g_st=ic Address -Pn d-236d, Skit Rd, Kusum Vihar, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 Price:- Rajasthani Handi Mutton- ₹1499/- For 1 KG Food rating - 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Also if you wanna ask me anything then please let me know in the comment section. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Visit our website - Follow me on Instagram - Facebook-  / virtualbanjara   About: We mainly covers the surroundings of Jaipur and various places in Rajasthan (India) and aspires to cover the diverse India and the diversity around the world by our insightfull content for our viewers and readers. We generally cover places, food tastes of cities, culture, monuments and other interesting facts and interests. Host - Ashish Wadhwani, is one of the better growing influencers from the Rajasthan region and looking forward to serving his subscribers better than before in his every video upload on youtube and blog insight on the website.
