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Скачать с ютуб 10 Minute Pilates Arm Workout | Quick Upper Body Workout with Light Weights в хорошем качестве

10 Minute Pilates Arm Workout | Quick Upper Body Workout with Light Weights 3 года назад

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10 Minute Pilates Arm Workout | Quick Upper Body Workout with Light Weights

Hello everyone! Join me for an arm workout with weights. Weights are optional here, you can use your bodyweight. I’m using 1kg dumbells, but feel free to choose your own weight level, from 0.5 to 3kg. If you don't have dumbells at home, you can always use cans of food, milk/juice cartons, bottles of water, or whatever you have handy, just make sure they don't spill! Remember to switch on those arm muscles throughout this workout, show me those muscles - you need to give yourself that resistance (especially if you're not using weights or you're using a light pair). I always say, 'think you're holding on to heavy weights' or 'pretend you're moving your arms through melted chocolate or melted cheese!' Feel free to shake out those arms if needed, and then jump right back in! See you soon! Emma x If you enjoyed this arms workout, please remember to like, share, subscribe and comment if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback. Make sure you check out our other great at home Pilates workouts on the Club Forme channel. I hope to see you here again soon! Emma x #pilates #armsworkout #pilatesarmworkout Follow Club Forme on Instagram:   / club.forme   Follow Emma on Instagram:   / emmaspencerlelek   DISCLAIMER: This is my own personal workout and it may not be suitable for you. We recommend you speak with your physician and follow all safety instructions before the commencement of any exercise program. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you understand that the classes are a form of physical activity and that there are inherent risks in undertaking any form of physical exercise. When participating you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
