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Скачать с ютуб 跟隨熱忱行動時「同步性」如何運作 в хорошем качестве

跟隨熱忱行動時「同步性」如何運作 4 года назад

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“The Formula” is: Are you paying attention? 這行動「公式」是:你有在注意聽嗎? Yes. 有的。 Number one, every single moment that you can, you look for the options and the opportunities presented to you no matter what level they appear on, no matter how simple or everyday they may seem, 第一步:在你能(自我)覺察的每一時刻,對「呈現在你面前的選項和機會」做出選擇,不論它們看起來有多簡單,或它們可能每天看起來都差不多, Okay. 好的。 You only act first on the one that contains even just a little bit more attractiveness, a little more excitement than any other option. 只先針對那「既使對你只是比其他任何選項,多一點點吸引力、多一點點興奮熱忱」的選項(事情)採取行動。 You act on that one first. 你先對那熱忱採取行動。(第一步:必須先對你的熱忱採取行動,必須先付諸行動。) You act on it to the best that you are able within whatever parameters are permitted within your society and whatever parameters are permitted within synchronicity in the way that it came to you. 在你們社會所允許的範圍,以及在「同步性運作下來到你面前的情境」所允許的範圍,你盡你所能地進行(做好)它。 You act on it to the best that you are able, until you can act on it no further. (第二步)即:盡你最大能力地做好它,直到你已無法再做為止。 And numbers three, you act on the thing that has most excitement to the best of her ability with absolutely zero, and I mean zero insistence or assumption as to what the outcome of your action is supposed to be. 第三步,在你盡你所能地做「你最感興奮熱忱的事情」的過程裡,完全不抱任何的堅持或假設,我的意思是對於「你的行動會產生什麼結果」不抱任何的堅持(認為什麼才是對的)或假設。 That's “The FORMULA” that activates the toolkit and allow synchronicity to bring you everything you need. That's “The Formula”. 這就是(以行動)啟動「結合自己較高心智在體驗美好人生的工具箱,並讓同步性為你帶來你所需要的一切」的公式。這就是那「行動公式」。 So if you just do that in your life, then if for some reason, because synchronicity knows what you need if for some reason, winning the lottery is part of that, synchronicity will show you when it's appropriate to act on that. 因此,如果你只是在你的生活中這樣做(依此「公式」的步驟行動),而因為同步性知道「你需要」的是什麼,如果是基於某種 原因,贏得彩卷是「你需要」的一部分,那麼,同步性就會向你顯示何時適合去對(買彩券)那件事採取行動。 If it doesn't show you an opportunity to do that that seems really obvious in the moment, you don't need to do that to allow you to do what you actually need to do to act on your excitement in life. 如果在那當下同步性並沒有非常明顯地向你顯示(可去買彩券),那麼,你就不需要那樣做——只要在你的生活中跟隨自己的熱忱,讓自己去做「你真正需要做的」事情。 Because many people assume that because there's so much focus on the symbol of money in your reality, they get into a belief system where that's the only thing that will allow them to really do what they need. 因為很多人都認為,由於在你們的實相裡人們非常關注「金錢」這一形式的豐盛象徵,所以他們進入了一個信念系統,認為金錢是唯一可以讓他們真正去做「他們需要做的」事的形式。 But there are other forms of abundance that might actually be the path of least resistance much easier than what money might be able to do for you. 但是還有其他形式的豐盛,那些形式實際上都可能是比「金錢可能能為你做的」,阻力更小且更容易許多的路徑。 Now sometimes it can be a combination of things. Maybe if there is a tiny amount of money needed, synchronicity will bring an opportunity for that amount of money. 而有時候,它可能會是一種不同東西(不同形式的豐盛)的結合。也許如果它需要少量的金錢才能運作,「同步性」便會帶來一個獲得那筆錢的機會。 But it may then add in other forms of abundance, like somebody coming along and giving you something that you need, or synchronicity itself bring your attention to something you need. 而在這情況下,它可能會增加其他形式的豐富,像是有人出現並給你一些你需要的東西,或同步性本身會將你的注意力帶到「你需要的東西」上。 Because the ultimate idea of abundance is simply, as we said, the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. 因為正如我們常說的,「豐盛」的最終概念就只是:在你需要去做「你需要做的事情」的時候,能夠去做它的能力。 And that ability to do what you need to do can be provided in any number of ways. 而那「能夠去做你需要做的事情」的能力,可以經由許多種方式獲得(被提供給你)。 To insist that only one representation of abundance must be the way in which you are supported, is to actually close the doors through which other forms of abundance can come. 堅持認為只有那種「你認為那才是你得到支持」的方式,實際上是在關閉所有其他「豐盛可以到來」的形式。 So you're actually limiting yourself by only focusing on one form of abundance as being what makes it probable for you to do what you need to do. 因此,你實際上是在限制你自己——因為在做「你需要做」的過程,你把注意力只集中在一種形式的豐富上。 Now when you understand that that focus is actually a negative limitation, you'll stop doing it. 所以說,當你明白那「只集中在一種形式的豐富」的聚焦事實上是一種負面的限制時,你會停止那樣做。(巴夏常提醒:當你還在那樣做就表示,你還沒有明白) You will open up and simply allow whatever form of abundance needs to be there to be there 你會敞開心胸,並只是讓任何「需要出現在那裡的豐盛形式」得以進來, because you know it will be the form that will support you in your ability to do what you need to do, instead of focusing on something that then is a means to do something else. 因為你明白它將是一種「在做你需要做的事情的能力上支持你」的形式,而不是在那情境下專注在做其他事情的手段。 You might actually find opportunities coming to you just allow directly to do that thing. 你可能會實際上發現來到你身上的機會,讓你可以直接去做那件事。 And you may not even need any of what you thought you need it to do it. 你甚至可能不需要任何「你一向認為要去做那件事你所需要」的東西。 It might come in a very surprising, very magical way. 它可能會以一種非常令人驚訝的、非常神奇的方式出現。 It's important to allow your life to contain the possibility of that kind of synchronistic magic. 重要的是:要允許自己的生活中含有這種「同步性魔法」的可能性。(可從明白「豐盛如何運作」並且「允許自己的生活中充滿同步性的神奇魔法」開始。) And not assume that it always has to be 1,2,3 by the book, by the numbers, in the way society has taught you. 而不是認為它永遠必須依照1、2、3的順序,按照書上的教導,用社會已教導你的方式。
