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Canon EOS 600D DSLR Camera Review 13 лет назад

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Canon EOS 600D DSLR Camera Review

Canon's triple-digit EOS line, including the canon EOS 600D DSLR camera, are usually for those new to DSLR photography, but as models acquire more functionality, they've ventured further into enthusiast territory. The Canon 600D sits somewhere in between the two camps, with a small form and entry-level styling, but including many features from the enthusiast EOS 60D. For the full in-depth review of the Canon EOS 600D on Techradar: For the full review of the previous EOS model, the 60D: Keep up to date with the latest technology news:!/techradar Enter our competitions here:   / techradar   Stay on-top of our videos by subscribing to the Techradar Youtube channel:    / techradar  
