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Family Dinner Gone Wrong | Last Christmas (2019) | Screen Bites 1 год назад

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Family Dinner Gone Wrong | Last Christmas (2019) | Screen Bites

Petra (Emma Thompson) and Ivan (Boris Isakovic) try to have a nice family dinner with their daughters Kate (Emilia Clarke) and Marta (Lydia Leonard) but everything seems to be going wrong. Last Christmas (2019): Nothing seems to go right for young Kate, a frustrated Londoner who works as an elf in a year-round Christmas shop. But things soon take a turn for the better when she meets Tom -- a handsome charmer who seems too good to be true. As the city transforms into the most wonderful time of the year, Tom and Kate's growing attraction turns into the best gift of all -- a Yuletide romance. Watch the full movie here: Welcome to Screen Bites. The ultimate place for cross overs, mashups, clips, trailers, exclusives behind the scenes, singalongs and so much more! There's nowhere else like this for film fans on YouTube. Don't forget to subscribe at    / @screenbites   #lastchristmas #emiliaclarke #emmathompson #christmasmovies #romanticcomedy #christmas
