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Скачать с ютуб Kyoto, Gion Hanamikoji Street - Whole street from South to North (京都 祇園 花見小路) [4K] POV в хорошем качестве

Kyoto, Gion Hanamikoji Street - Whole street from South to North (京都 祇園 花見小路) [4K] POV 5 лет назад

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Kyoto, Gion Hanamikoji Street - Whole street from South to North (京都 祇園 花見小路) [4K] POV

Hanamikoji street is located in the Gion district. It is one of the most famous streets of Kyoto City for tourists. There are a lot of historical Ochayas and restaurants in the south of Shijo street. On the other hand, north area from Shijo street changes atmosphere. There are recent pubs in buildings for local people. Mic: External binaural mic (ASMR; Headphones or earphones recommended)
