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Adventure Country Tracks UK 🇬🇧 Full Movie 1 год назад

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Adventure Country Tracks UK 🇬🇧 Full Movie

⛰ Adventure Country Tracks United Kingdom 2022🇬🇧 With technical tracks and remote mountain roads that bring you the best of British countryside. Accompanied by motorcycle and travel icon Charley Boorman, the ACT Crew and the partners from the industry set off for this 920 km five-day motorcycle adventure route that will test our riding skills and delight our senses as the tale of British cultural and natural history unfolds beneath our wheels. Starting in the Brecon Beacons National Park at the site of a 12th century monastery, travelling across Wales, over to the Isle of Man and ending in the North Sea port town of Whitby – home to 18th century explorer Captain James Cook and haunt of the fictious Count Dracula of Bram Stoker’s famous gothic novel – ACT UK takes the adventure rider on a five-stage journey through the British history and nature. After Portugal, Greece, Romania, Italy and the Pyrenees, the ACT UK is the 6th edition of this project wehre you can become a member, download the latest GPS tracks and plan your next adventure in Europe. Just visit the website of the Adventure Country Tracks e.V.: 🎬 A movie by: RuggedFrames 🏍 Riders: 🇵🇹 Elvio Andrade 🇬🇧 Jonathan Bentman 🇬🇧 Charley Boorman 🇩🇪 Nils Buntrock 🇵🇹 Filipe Elias 🇩🇪 Mirko Nagler 🇩🇪 Teresa Peters 🇦🇹 Markus Pinter 🇩🇪 Frank Schneider 🇦🇹 Tobias Wachter 🇩🇪 Martin Wickert 🇬🇧 Patrick Wills 🤝 In cooperation with: Touratech Yamaha Harley-Davidson REV’IT! SENA NEXX Edelweiss Bike Travel Motorex Metzeler 1000PS Good Souls 🎧 Listen to the ACT UK Soundtrack 🎧 ⛰ Get the latest updates on Facebook:   / adventurecountrytracks   #rideact #actuk #act2022 🎬 Movie chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:10 Preparation Day 04:44 Day 1 Wales 15:15 Day 2 Wales 27:25 Day 3 Isle of Man 45:01 Day 4 Yorkshire 58:12 Day 5 Yorkshire
