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Скачать с ютуб a day at the hakaluki haor 🥰one of the major wetlands of Bangladesh 🌊 в хорошем качестве

a day at the hakaluki haor 🥰one of the major wetlands of Bangladesh 🌊 1 год назад

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a day at the hakaluki haor 🥰one of the major wetlands of Bangladesh 🌊

It is one of Bangladesh's largest and one of Asia's large marsh wetland resources. Hakaluki Haor is bounded by the Kushiara river as well as a part of the Sonai Bardal river to the north, by the Fenchuganj-Kulaura railway to the west and to the south, and by the Kulaura-Beanibazar road the east. Hello everyone, This is the 3rd episode of my Travel Series. In this episode we went to visit the biggest wetland of Bangladesh 'Hakaluki Haor'. During Monsoon the beauty of this wetland increases more. Hope you people enjoyed this video. You can Follow me on- Facebook : Instagram: FB Page: Thank you for watching the video and please feel free to leave a comment, suggestion or critique in the comment section below! #hakaluki #HAKALUKI #hakalukihaor #haor #wetland #BiggestWetlandof Bangladesh #ruhel #ruhelonpoint #ruh4youu
