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Скачать с ютуб 1972: Behind the Scenes at LEEDS UNITED | I Love Leeds | Classic BBC Sport | BBC Archive в хорошем качестве

1972: Behind the Scenes at LEEDS UNITED | I Love Leeds | Classic BBC Sport | BBC Archive 1 год назад

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1972: Behind the Scenes at LEEDS UNITED | I Love Leeds | Classic BBC Sport | BBC Archive

Actor and screenwriter Colin Welland gets a look behind the scenes at his beloved Leeds United. During a toast at a banquet in honour of the 1972 FA Cup winners, the proud Lancastrian and rugby league die-hard explains what it is about this Yorkshire football club that appeals to him. Over the course of the documentary, Colin plays dominoes in a local pub with Jack Charlton and Billy Bremner, joins a rigorous training session alongside the first team (to the point of vomiting), gets an equally rigorous rub-down from the boss, Don Revie and visits the club dressing room in the aftermath of a 3-3 draw against Ipswich Town, where he attempts to put a positive spin on the result to a frustrated Johnny Giles. Clip taken from Sports Two: I Love Leeds, originally broadcast on BBC Two, 15 September, 1972. You have now entered the BBC Archive, a time machine that will transport you back to the golden age of TV to educate, entertain and enlighten you with classic clips from the BBC vaults. Make sure you subscribe so that you never miss a single stop on our amazing journey through the BBC Archive -
