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Random Aesthetic CC Makeovers in The Sims 4 // Sims 4 CAS Challenge

In this sims 4 CAS challenge (create a sim), every sim is a different aesthetic! We will be using a random wheel to decide what the aesthetic of each sim will be, and then they will get a makeover using custom content in that aesthetic! OPEN FOR LINKS! 👾TWITCH:   / sydmac   👾 🔴DISCORD:   / discord   🔴 💛MERCH: 💛 ♡FOLLOW ME♡ Twitch:   / sydmac   Discord:   / discord   Twitter:   / sydneymacoretta   Instagram:   / smacoretta   SIMstagram:   / sydneymacoretta   Tiktok:   / sydneymacoretta   Tumblr:   / sydney-simsyt   Facebook:   / sydneymacorettayt   Gallery: Sydneymacoretta ♡BINGE THIS♡ Build Challenges:    • 🏠 sims 4 build challenges 🏠   Sims 4 Tutorials:    • 🔨sims 4 tutorials🔨   How to Build a Mansion:    • How To Build a Mansion in The Sims 4 ...   Sims 4 Build Hacks:    • 🌼sims 4 tiktok hacks🌼   Most Expensive Mansion Ever in ts4:    • 🤑 Most Expensive Mansion Build 🤑   The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up. This channel always uses a face cam for sims 4 videos.
