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Drag Me to Hell: Best Horror Scenes

Relive the most terrifying moments from Sam Raimi’s spine-chilling classic, where a young woman’s life spirals into chaos after a sinister curse is placed on her. BINGE MORE:    • Attacked by ghosts | 5 Souls   Credits: © 2009 Universal Studios. Binge Society is a licensed partner and shares the rights to this clip with Universal Studios. AVAILABLE FOR RENT OR BUY DRAG ME TO HELL: #BingeDark #DragMeToHell #Horror Subscribe: BINGE MORE: Minions - The evil family: Catch Me If You Can - Pretending to be a substitute teacher: Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw - Hobbs and Hattie flirting: The Ugly Truth- Vibrating Underwear: ABOUT BINGE SOCIETY: Binge Society brings you the best of your favorite movies and TV shows! Here you will find iconic scenes, moments, and lines from all the films, characters, celebrities, and actors you love. As movie fans, we give you content we know you will enjoy! FOLLOW BINGE SOCIETY Facebook:   / bingesociety   Instagram:   / binge_society   TikTok:   / bingesociety   Twitter:   / binge_society  
