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Скачать с ютуб GRADUATE MEDICINE low UCAT - what are your options? в хорошем качестве

GRADUATE MEDICINE low UCAT - what are your options? 3 года назад

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GRADUATE MEDICINE low UCAT - what are your options?

I had a couple of ppl slide into my dms and ask what they should do with ucat's that weren't quite high enough for the grad medicine courses i've talked about - so thought i'd just make a quick video outlining the options. 0:00 introduction 0:56 Option 1 (take the GAMSAT) 3:46 Option 2 (undergraduate medicine as a graduate) 5:25 how to fund undergraduate medicine as a graduate 7:03 Option 3 (Gap year + reapply) Bit of a motley video - bussing space pijamas and the lighting changing every 5 seconds, but still - i would have found it useful 4 years ago when i was in this position too. A101, A100, GEM, medicine, ucat, gamsat, grad entry medicine, GPEP
