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Retinoblastoma - Pathology mini tutorial 3 года назад

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Retinoblastoma - Pathology mini tutorial

Retinoblastomas are the most common malignant tumour occuring in the eyes of children. They may be inherited (autosomal dominant) or they may occur sporadically. Retinoblastomas arise when both the Rb tumour suppressor genes are inactivated. This is the two hit hypothesis (alson known as the Knudson hypothesis). The development of retinoblastomas is covered and the histological appearance of retinoblastoma is included. 0:10 Histology image of retinoblastoma 0:21 Incidence and age of occurence of retinoblastoma 1:00 Sporadic and familial retinoblastomas 1:30 inheritance and chromosome location of tumour suppressor Rb gene 2:10 Two hit hypothesis 3:00 Clinical presentation of retinoblastoma 3:40 Gross appearance of retinoblastoma 4:09 Histological features of retinoblastomas 4:40 Low power image of retinoblastoma 5:00 Necrosis in retinoblastoma image 5:19 Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes #pathology, #pathologytutorial, #retinoblastoma
