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Bovis Homes - The Canterbury (Stone Clad)@ Kingsmere, Bicester by Showhomesonline

Thank you for joining us on another ShowHome Tour Individual house spec may vary depending on location/development/planning requirements/developer and purchaser choices, regional variations and plot specific changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bovis Homes - the Canterbury @ Kingsmere Review Date Dec 2015 Developer Bovis Homes House type The Canterbury Bedrooms 4 bedroom House Elevation Stone Clad Price Location Kingsmere village, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1AB Web : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW US ON TWITTER & FACEBOOK FOR NEWS AND UPDATES We enjoy and appreciate your feedback so please get in touch, tell us what you think of the houses TWITTER........   / newhomeshist   WEB........ FACEBOOK....   / newhomeshistorianuk   INSTAGRAM......   / showhomesonline   LINKEDIN   / newhomeshistorian   EMAIL......... [email protected] #SHOWHOMESONLINE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tour undertaken & compiled by Emma & Steve All opinions are our own. Showhomesonline is a trading name of New Homes Historian ltd Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to see future show house reviews. We welcome comments and feedback. Thank you for watching
