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Скачать с ютуб 🔥 EX-ARMY UNIMOG takes on the OLD TELE TRACK (Cape York, Australia) в хорошем качестве

🔥 EX-ARMY UNIMOG takes on the OLD TELE TRACK (Cape York, Australia) 2 года назад

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🔥 EX-ARMY UNIMOG takes on the OLD TELE TRACK (Cape York, Australia)

Jase is taking his 12-tonne ex-Army Mercedes Unimog on the infamous Old Telegraph Track in far North Queensland. Simon is along for the ride in his modified V8 LandCruiser, hauling a 7-metre trailer. Together they face tough terrain, emergency bush mechanics, and even a good old fashioned vehicle rollover. Access the entire 140 hour+ catalogue of All 4 Adventure and Unleashed, as well as many other extras and specials, for just $9.99AUD/month from anywhere in the world - cancel at any time. ----- Enjoy this video? Subscribe here:    / subscription_.  . Watch full episodes of Unleashed & All 4 Adventure at: ----- Follow All 4 Adventure on Facebook for exclusive media, competitions, announcements and fan submissions:   / all4adventure   Join the All 4 Adventure Instagram community for daily photos, videos and other exclusive content from somewhere off the beaten track:   / all4adventure   Interested in what Jase gets up to when he's not filming? Check out his personal account, Jase4x4:   / jase4x4   Every adventurer (or adventurer at heart) needs to be a part of the CampBoss4x4 community for gear updates and exclusive giveaways:   / campboss4x4   ----- #unimog #unleashed #all4adventure
