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My Favorite MTG Set of The Last Two Years Magic the Gathering Booster Pack Opening Pricing accurate as of 11/30/2024 via tcgplayer.com So I bought a Magic the Gathering Set Booster Box from their Universes Beyond set Lord of The Rings Tales of Middle Earth. With how much I love Magic the Gathering, opening packs, and then my love for Lord of the Rings as well, there was no way I wasn't going to buy a set booster box lol. I mean come one, let's be real, it's Lord of the Freaking Rings! Is it worth opening mtg booster packs? Is it bad to open Magic the Gathering packs? Some say to NEVER open Magic the Gathering booster packs! But where is the fun in that?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the video I show what each card is worth as they are revealed. Prices are current as of when I edited the video, with regards to TCG Market pricing. At the end of each video I show the grand total of what the pack was worth. Not every TCG youtuber does this when they open product, but I personally like it when they do and wanted to provide that same info here. It is fun and interesting to see what certain cards are going for. Thanks for watching and be sure to like and subscribe if you want to see more! On top of opening packs, I also will post MTG bundle and pre-release pack openings from time to time which will be longer videos. Make sure to like and subscribe! / @mockristmasmtg I also have a gaming channel you are free to check out as well! Check out MocKristmas Gaming here: / @mockristmasgaming