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Скачать с ютуб The Sound of Hit Records in a DAW? Explore Mixbus 10 with Russ Cottier. в хорошем качестве

The Sound of Hit Records in a DAW? Explore Mixbus 10 with Russ Cottier. 2 недели назад

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The Sound of Hit Records in a DAW? Explore Mixbus 10 with Russ Cottier.

This holiday season, celebrate 15 Years of Harrison Audio’s unique analog console-inspired DAW, Mixbus 10 for just $15.00! Or get Mixbus 10 Pro complete with Dolby Atmos mixing tools & SSL 9000J EQ, bundled with two premium SSL Native plug-ins FlexVerb & X-ValveComp for only $129.99! Mixbus 10 - $15.00: Mixbus 10 Pro Bundle - $129.99: 0:00 - Introduction to Harrison & Mixbus. 2:32 - REC, EDIT, CUE & MIX Workflow. 6:19 - Console Inspired Mix Window. 10:53 - Mixing In-Context. 20:19 - Dolby Atmos Mixing. For nearly 50 years, Harrison has been helping world leading producers and artists such as Michael Jackson, Queen, Steely Dan, ABBA, Supertramp, and more craft legendary music that stands the test of time. With Mixbus 10, create professional-sounding records with Harrison’s legendary sound and analog console workflow. The Mixbus 10 workflow is truly unique thanks to its ‘True Analog Mixing Engine’ knob-per-function mixer. You have direct control over your processing tools and sends on every channel. Everything you need, including Harrison’s legendary 32C EQ, Compressor, Gate, Saturation, Panning, and Summing Engine, is already loaded into every channel strip, allowing you to easily mix in-context with a cohesive sound. This makes for a quick workflow, delivering a consistent sound across any project, as if you were working on an actual analog console. Mixbus 10 is a fully featured DAW, equipped with studio-ready multitrack recording tools, smart editing features, intuitive arrangement tools, and clip launching with an inspiring collection of loops, samples, and high-quality virtual instruments. It provides everything you need to create great-sounding music swiftly, enhancing your creative workflow and productions.
