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House Homeland Security hearing on drone threats alongside FBI, NFL and border patrol officials Трансляция закончилась 16 часов назад

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House Homeland Security hearing on drone threats alongside FBI, NFL and border patrol officials

The US National Football League, the Justice Department, the FBI and other agencies will call on Congress on Tuesday to expand U.S. government authority to detect and destroy drones that could pose security threats over stadiums and other locations. Congress has debated for years expanding authority amid growing safety concerns. #Drones #Congress #FBI SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos:    / skynews   Follow us on Twitter:   / skynews   Like us on Facebook:   / skynews   Follow us on Instagram:   / skynews   Follow us on TikTok:   / skynews   For more content go to and download our apps: Apple Android Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí:    / @skynewsespanol   To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here:
