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Comica CVM-VM10 II budget video microphone unboxing test and review

Comica mics at Comica mics at This video is a full on test of the Comica CVM-VM10 video microphone with an unboxing and review summary at the end. In the video I test the microphone in a number of positions, indoors and outdoors and also with a camcorder and a smartphone. In my opinion this is one of the best and most versatile video microphones of this type. It represents fantastic value for money given that it includes a TRS to TRS microphone cable, TRRS to TRS mic cable for use with smart devices and smartphones, deadcat, foam pop wind filter, a hot cold shoe microphone shock-mount and an excellent carry case that fits everything in it. As you can hear in this video the Comica CVM-VM10 II is a great budget vlogging mic that is also good for podcasting and many other types of dialogue and voice recording. I'd be very interested to hear what others think about this mic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my YouTube channel by liking, subscribing and clicking the bell icon for notification of future videos. It really does make a big difference and also please share my video links. You can also support my YouTube channel financially by using my Amazon affiliate links for any products mentioned in my videos. If you’re buying anything from Amazon please use my Amazon Shop links below. For any purchases using my Amazon product links or any purchases made using my Amazon Shop links, I will receive a small financial commission from Amazon. These earnings from the Amazon commissions really do help with purchasing review products for my YouTube channel and I’m extremely grateful to anyone who helps me and my channel this way. Also, you can support me and my YouTube channel with direct financial support via PayPal. Donations for cups of coffee are really appreciated and keeps me going when editing :) For product reviews please contact me at: [email protected] Also, please visit my website: Thank you very much for watching this video, take care and goodbye now. Cheers, Dave.
