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The Game 7 That Made Instant History 5 месяцев назад

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The Game 7 That Made Instant History

The RLCS London Major 3.0 was another excellent event altogether. However, there was one series in particular that was definitely the highlight of the tournament. Falcons vs Gentle Mates was one of the most entertaining series we've seen in a while. This is the story of the Game 7 That Made Instant History. My Links ‣ Discord:   / discord   ‣ Twitter:   / waytonpilkin   ‣ Twitch:   / wayton   ‣ Instagram:   / waytonpilkin   ‣ TikTok:   / waytonpilkin   The talent showcased from both Team Falcons and Gentle Mates throughout their entire semifinal was something very unique. Both teams seems to be playing so well even under maximum pressure with the highest stakes. It's no wonder why there were so many highlights in this series alone. Everything from the mechanics, to the speed, to the tactics used were all so impressive. I knew I had to watch it back again the first time I saw it. It was no doubt one of the fastest paced and highest action game 7s I have ever seen. 0:00 The Incredible Series 0:54 The First Stage 3:19 The Playoffs Begin 6:07 The Teams Collide 10:32 The Game 7 Production music from and Use Creator Code: WAYTON Thanks to Epic Games and Psyonix for the creator code. :)
