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3 Ways To Think About Trends For Hyper Casual Games Using Top Charts And My Game Dev Log Updates 5 лет назад

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3 Ways To Think About Trends For Hyper Casual Games Using Top Charts And My Game Dev Log Updates

3 ways to think about trends for hyper casual games using the top charts. I go briefly into Push'em all by Voodoo / OHM games and my game dev log updates on Buildbox. Changing the plan! Like and Subscribe! ➡ Links mentioned: Closer Look: Joystick Mechanic Template from Buildbox 3 Role Playing    • Joystick Mechanic Template - Buildbox...   App Annie: What I talked about in the video:1. Stick with the trend and wait for it to happen again. Build the prototype If you finish in time great, if not, wait for the trend to happen again another time. 2. Go against the trend Find what mechanic is missing Do your research and make an educated decision 3. Create your own trend by being innovative. This is where creativity comes in. Try to come up with something new that no one has seen before. Merge and fuse a bunch of mechanics. Connect with Jimmy On | Glitchy Thumbs on Social Media: Twitter ➡   / glitchythumbs   Instagram ➡   / glitchythumbs   Facebook ➡   / glitchythumbs  
