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Gyuto v.s. Chefs Knife - Which Should You Buy? 2 года назад

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Gyuto v.s. Chefs Knife - Which Should You Buy?

Gyuto v.s. Chefs Knife - Which Should You Buy? Both gyutos and chefs knives are very common in home and professional kitchens, but which knife is better? In this video, Nathan shows you the comparison between a Japanese gyuto and a German chef's knife, the similarities, and the differences! Stay tuned to find your ultimate multipurpose kitchen knife. Find yourself a new gyuto at: For all of your knife, sharpening, and kitchen related needs, head to Or visit Knifewear stores in Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, or Vancouver. Join our community: ▶ Instagram   / knifewear​   ▶ Facebook:   / knifewear​   ▶ Twitter:   / knifewear   ▶ Discord:   / discord   0:00 Intro 0:36 Main Differences: Steel & Production 3:50 Cutting Comparison on Tomatoes Potatoes 7:08 Comparing Blade Thickness 9:50 Differences in Shape & Edge Profile 13:14 Balance, Weight & Handles 15:32 Which One do YOU Need? 17:05 Bloopers
