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10 Fastest 0-60 American Cars 2020

In the American car world, we're pretty obsessed with our 0-60 times. If you want to take everyone on the street to Gapplebee's and you've got some cash layin around, here are the 10 quickest American cars and their 0-60's. **I should've mentioned in the video, I didn't include the Demon because I couldn't find an official 0-60 time on its street setup. So I kept the Redeye in its spot but I can't wait for the Super Stock times :) Here are links to the best of Amazon's selection for these mods! Amazon Links: Carbon Fiber Interior Wrap - Little Trees Air Fresheners - Music Responsive Footwell LEDs - El Wire - Steering Wheel Covers - Top Rated Boost Gauges - Corsa Exhaust 5% OFF Link: Corsa Exhaust 5% OFF Code: LIBERTYV8S Camaro Ending:    • Chevy Camaro Discontinued 2023 - the ...   200 MPH Cars Under $100k:    • 6 American Cars that Go 200 MPH for U...   C8 E-Ray:    • C8 E-Ray Corvette - No C8 Grand Sport   C8 Z06:    • C8 Z06 Corvette News: Active Aero, Ca...   Like and subscribe for American auto news as well as the funny, painful, and most interesting parts of the car community. Make sure to follow Liberty_V8s on Instagram. Insane videos posted every day, exhaust competitions every Monday and picture competitions every Wednesday! Intro video is from the Instagram page @wickedvette. He’s got one of the meanest C6’s out there so check him out! DISCLAIMER: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." The materials are used for illustrative and exemplification reasons, also quoting in order to recombine elements to make a new work.
