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Home Office Transformation and Makeover ✨ Work-From-Home Setup | Philippines 1 год назад

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Home Office Transformation and Makeover ✨ Work-From-Home Setup | Philippines

Welcome to My Home Office! I've been working from home for over 10 years, and I pretty much live in this room. Haha! I initially worked in my bedroom, but that setup wasn't healthy for me anymore. So, in 2018, I transformed an empty room into my home office when my siblings moved out. I hope you'll join me on a journey through the years in my workspace and see how I've kept it organized and functional, both for work and our recently opened small business. ☺️ #homeoffice #homeofficesetup #homeofficemakeover #homeofficeideas #homebuddies #homebuddiesph Disclaimer: copyright infringement not intended, music is owned by its rightful owners.
