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Скачать с ютуб Cyberpunk 2077, Iconic Legendary Beserk Operating System Location, (Zetatech Beserk Mk.5) в хорошем качестве

Cyberpunk 2077, Iconic Legendary Beserk Operating System Location, (Zetatech Beserk Mk.5) 4 года назад

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Cyberpunk 2077, Iconic Legendary Beserk Operating System Location, (Zetatech Beserk Mk.5)

Location of a legendary beserk operating system upgrade in Cyberpunk 2077. It's called the Zetatech Beserk Mk.5 and let's you enter a beserk mode which let's you do a super hero slam among other things. It costs 43,000 eurodollars and requires a street cred level of around 15. It also requires a body core stat level of 18. It is one of the best beserk mods available in the game and can be acquired relatively early on.
