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Lego Block Tech Bull Monster Truck Live Build! Five Below! Трансляция закончилась 3 дня назад

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Lego Block Tech Bull Monster Truck Live Build! Five Below!

While I enjoy transforming robots, action figures, video games, and many other fun things on this earth, it is nothing in comparison to my love for Jesus Christ. The gift of God is eternal life. We can not work for salvation. You can completely stop sinning and still go to Hell. Being "perfect" is impossible and can't save anyone, but trusting in JESUS is what saves us. Romans 10:9 makes it extremely clear, and i want everyone to know this, so i share it multiple languages: 中文標準譯本 你如果口裡承認耶穌是主,心裡相信神使他從死人中復活,就將得救。 Romanos 10:9 "que si confiesas con tu boca a Jesús por Señor, y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo resucitó de entre los muertos, serás salvo." Romanos 10:9 "Se você declarar com sua boca: “Jesus é o Senhor”, e acreditar com seu coração que Dus o ressuscitou dos mortos, você será salvo." Romans 10:9 "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." ローマ人への手紙 10:9-10 9 なぜなら、もし自分の口で、「イエス・キリストは私の主です」と告白し、自分の心で、「神はイエス・キリストを死者の中から復活させてくださった」と信じるなら、あなたは救われるのです。 10 人は、心で信じることによって、神の前に正しい者とされ、その信仰を口で告白することによって救われるのです。 रोमकरांस 10:9-10 9 की, जर तू तुझ्या मुखाने “येशू प्रभु आहे” असा विश्वास धरतोस आणि आपल्या अंतःकरणात देवाने त्याला मेलेल्यांतून उठविले असा विश्वास धरतोस तुझे तारण होईल 10 कारण नीतिमत्वासाठी मनुष्य अंतःकरणाने विश्वास ठेवतो आणि तारणासाठी विश्वासाने कबूल करतो. Then, if you're a Christian, can you keep on sinning? You won't want to! You'll realize that "The wages of sin is death" and even Christians can die. The more you sin, the more likely you are to die. For example: if you are abusing your body from smoking, you'll more likely get cancer than if you never smoke, and it will shorten your life. If you are a Christian struggling with sin, I can testify that getting rid of it is healthier physically and mentally. #JesusIsLord #JesusIsGod #Rapture #WeFlySoon Please watch the daily videos by @tsaphah333 on YT. His videos have great connections of the news as it was predicted in the Bible.
