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Скачать с ютуб Рецепт Баденджан шекам пор (фаршированные персидские баклажаны \ Гарни ярих) в хорошем качестве

Рецепт Баденджан шекам пор (фаршированные персидские баклажаны \ Гарни ярих) 3 года назад

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Рецепт Баденджан шекам пор (фаршированные персидские баклажаны \ Гарни ярих)

Hi there! ready to cook? 📌ingredient: 250ground beef 1onion 8 cloves of garlic 250g eggplant 1 tbsp turmeric\black pepper\paprika\thyme 5 tbsp alt 2 tbsp tomato paste 2 tbsp chopped parsley 3 tomatoes water vegetable oil frying oil 📌preparation: peel the eggplants and cut them in middle. 👀do not cut the head of the eggplants for better shape! in a bowl, mix 3 tbsp salt with 4 cups of water. soak the eggplants in salty water for 30 mins and then drain them. 👀by doing this the bitter taste of eggplant will be gone and it takes less oil to fry! chop the onion and grate the garlic. fry them till translucent and then add 1tbsp salt, paprika, black pepper, and turmeric. fry that 2 mins. add 2 tbsp tomato paste. -fry that 2 mins. add the beef. fry that 5 mins. add 1 cup of water. cook that till the water evaporates. fry the eggplants till translucent. grate the tomatoes, add them to a pot, add 1 tbsp salt and 1 tbsp thyme, ad 0.5 cup of water. bring the paste to a boil. open the heart of eggplants and throw the seeds away. fill the fried eggplants with cooked meat stew. add them to the paste and cook them for 1.5 hours on low heat. -there you go! 💕We are so happy that you are accompanying Yummy Boards. Please do not forget to like this video and subscribe to Yummy Boards for more! 0:00 Hi there! ready to cook? 0:05 ingredients that you need 0:47 preparation 2:49 Bon appetit!
