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Скачать с ютуб Set up a Full Network using OPNsense (Part 2: OPNsense) в хорошем качестве

Set up a Full Network using OPNsense (Part 2: OPNsense) 1 год назад

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Set up a Full Network using OPNsense (Part 2: OPNsense)

In Part 2 of this series, I will walk through setting up OPNsense. This includes download and installation, setting up the basic system settings, configuring interfaces and services such as DHCP and DNS. Finally, I will walk through creating some firewall rules for each interface/network. Because I wanted to include all OPNsense configuration in one video, this video will be the most lengthy video in the series. I will include timestamps below so you can jump to various sections in the video. For a more detailed written guide, please visit: 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:58 Download OPNsense 00:03:00 Etcher to burn image 00:04:25 Coreboot Note 00:06:14 Power on Protectli VP2410 00:09:02 Install OPNsense 00:15:14 Change default interface assignments 00:18:01 Plug PC/laptop into OPNsense box 00:19:23 Log into OPNsense web interface 00:20:44 General System Settings 00:24:11 Administration System Settings 00:28:35 Miscellaneous System Settings 00:31:05 LAGG Interface Configuration 00:35:43 VLAN Configuration 00:40:42 Interface Assignments 00:41:48 WAN Interface Configuration 00:43:12 Internal Interface Configuration (LAN, DMZ, USER, IOT, GUEST, IPCAM) 00:51:10 DHCPv4 Configuration 00:55:44 DHCPv6 Configuration 00:56:54 Router Advertisements 00:59:00 Unbound DNS General Settings 01:00:44 Unbound DNS Query Forwarding 01:02:14 DHCPv4 Static Reservations 01:10:04 Firewall Rule Aliases 01:20:57 Firewall Floating Rules 01:24:12 Firewall Interface Rules (LAN, DMZ, USER, IOT, GUEST, IPCAM) EP09
