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Puerto Escondido - The Perfect Mexican Beach Town? (Mexico Vlog) 2 года назад

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Puerto Escondido - The Perfect Mexican Beach Town? (Mexico Vlog)

Is Puerto Escondido the perfect Mexican beach town? Will it be the place for you? Well, we just spent a month here and we'll show you what you can expect from Puerto Escondido so that you can make up your own mind. We found that Puerto Escondido offered something for everyone. La Punta is great for backpackers, Zicatela is perfect for digital nomads, and Rinconada and Centro are ideal for those who want to stay longer term. Puerto Escondido is definitely very popular and you'll find a lot of tourists here - but it's nothing like Tulum; it's not pretentious and the prices are fairly reasonable. It's a beautiful place with a chilled out vibe, but you can still find plenty of nightlife and things to do. We loved it here and it's one of our top places in Mexico, but what do YOU think? Leave us a comment below and share your thoughts... we'd love to hear from you! --- TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Intro 0:35 - Club De Playa Villasol (Beach Club) 1:33 - Releasing Baby Turtles 2:40 - Renting a Scooter (Four Wheelers) 3:10 - La Punta Sunset 3:59 - Alaburger 3:45 - Zicatela 6:30 - Hotel Aqua Luna Tour 7:36 - Playa Carrizalillo 8:11 - Palapita Bar 8:48 - Playa Principal 9:29 - Honorable Mentions 10:02 - Outro --- VINNY'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL    / vinnytravel   --- FOLLOW US:   / vinnyandjordan   FOLLOW VINNY:   /   FOLLOW JORDAN:   / jrdn.riley   #mexicovlog #mexico #vinnyandjordan #puertoescondido
