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Rihanna - If It's Lovin' That You Want (Official Music Video)

Official Music Video for "If It's Lovin' That You Want" performed by Rihanna from the album, Music Of The Sun. REMASTERED IN HD! ► Create a YouTube Short using this song! Tap the 'Shorts Remix' button above on mobile to use "If It's Lovin' That You Want" in your YouTube Short. ► Follow Rihanna Instagram:   / badgalriri   Twitter:   / rihanna   Facebook:   / rihanna   YouTube:    / @rihanna   Website: ► Lyrics: If it's loving that you want Then you should make me your girl, your girl If it's loving that you need Baby, come and share my world (Share my world) If it's loving that you want Come and take a walk with me (Walk with me) 'Cause everything that you need, I got it right here, baby, baby Di, di, di, di, di, di, di, di, di, da, di, dey So just call me whenever you're lonely Di, di, di, di, di, di, di, di, di, da, di, dey I'll be your friend, I can be your homie #Rihanna #IfItsLovinThatYouWant #MusicOfTheSun #Remastered Music video by Rihanna performing If It's Lovin' That You Want. (C) 2005 The Island Def Jam Music Group
