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Installing Harmony R on Windows 10 1 год назад

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Installing Harmony R on Windows 10

To install Harmony on Windows 10: (R markdown example: Launch a web browser and go to the CRAN website. Find the download link for R for Windows. Download the R installer file and open it. Accept all the conditions, choose the installation language, and read the terms and conditions. Click Next and choose your local installation location. Go through all the options and press Next again and again until the installation is complete. Click Finish to exit the installer. To install the Harmony package: Open R. Type the following command: install.packages("harmonydata") Select where on your local machine you want to install Harmony. Also, you can choose a CRAN mirror that is close to your location. Once the installation is complete, you can import Harmony into your R session: library(harmonydata) To harmonise two PDFs: Download the two PDFs that you want to harmonise. Load the two PDFs into R using the load_instruments_from_file() function. Append the two instruments into a list of instruments. Call the match() function to harmonise the two instruments. Export the results to a CSV file. Here is an example of how to harmonise two PDFs in R: Load the two PDFs instrument_1 = load_instruments_from_file("PHQ-9.pdf") instrument_2 = load_instruments_from_file("GAD-7.pdf") Append the two instruments into a list instruments = list(instrument_1, instrument_2) Harmonise the two instruments matches = match(instruments) Export the results to a CSV file write.csv(matches, "harmonized_instruments.csv") This will create a CSV file called harmonised_instruments.csv that contains the harmonised instruments.
