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Скачать с ютуб INSANE Street Bike Stunts Bikers Riding Wheelies Get Chased By Cops VS Motorcycle Stunt Riders в хорошем качестве

INSANE Street Bike Stunts Bikers Riding Wheelies Get Chased By Cops VS Motorcycle Stunt Riders 8 лет назад

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INSANE Street Bike Stunts Bikers Riding Wheelies Get Chased By Cops VS Motorcycle Stunt Riders

INSANE Street Bike Stunts Motorcycle Stunt Riders Ride Wheelies Getting Chased By Cops VS Motorcycle Bikers Running From The Police Doing Extreme Freestyle Stunt Bike Tricks Caught On Camera! Amazing motorcycle stunts such as crazy bikers rides long wheelie an epic drift bike drifting on public streets & highways in Kansas City, MO. Watch as KCPD police officers chase motorcycles for riding wheelies & doing illegal stunts on public roadways at high speeds runaway from cop car. Motorcyclist gets away from the cops making epic escape completely evading police cars chasing street bike stunt riders for doing illegal sport bike tricks. The make an model of motorcycles shown stunting in this video clip our 2003 to 2004 Kawasaki Ninja ZX636 or Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R custom set up stunt bikes built for performing motorcycle tricks on the streets. Thank for watching & please enjoy this video clips! Visit BLOX STARZ STORE Please SHARE & LIKE Video SUBSCRIBE "BLOX STARZ TV" For NEW Videos WATCH MORE INSANE MOTORCYCLE VS COPS POLICE CHASES Click Link Below!!!    • Motorcycles VS Cops Police Chase Moto...   CONNECT With BLOX STARZ TV Instagram:   / bloxstarz   Facebook:   / bloxstarz   Google+: Twitter:   / bloxstarz   Vine:
