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[FREE] LA Type Beat "Chevron" | West Coast Instrumental

💰Purchase Here: bpm | 104 key | G Minor FREE FOR NON-PROFIT USE ONLY!! Must credit (prod by Xeeflo) 📲Instagram:   / xeeflo   📲Hit my DM for custom beats 📧Email: [email protected] [FREE] LA Type Beat "Chevron" | West Coast Instrumental | Prod. by Xeeflo IGNORE TAGS west coast type beat, west coast beat 2024, drakeo the ruler type beat hard, west coast beats, bluebucksclan type beat, r3 type beat, bluebucksclan type beat 2023, hard bluebucksclan type beat, bluebucksclan type beats, bluebucksclan drakeo the ruler, bluebucksclan type beat west coast, west coast type beat, ralfytheplug, west coast instrumental, west coast type beat 2023, cali beats, california, la type beat, la type beat 2024, new west coast type beat, la type beat 2022, drakeo the ruler, remble type beat, freestyle type beat, xeeflo, xeeflo beats, drakeo the ruler type beat, shoreline mafia type beat, west coast instrumentals, west coast beats, otm type beat, freestyle type beat, freestyle beats, freestyle, otm type beat, otm duffy type beat, freestyle instrumental, la type beat 2024 #westcoasttypebeat #westcoast #latypebeat
