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Скачать с ютуб The Current State of CrossFit as a SPORT (my thoughts) в хорошем качестве

The Current State of CrossFit as a SPORT (my thoughts) 2 дня назад

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The Current State of CrossFit as a SPORT (my thoughts)

Here are some things we created to level-up your coaching and training: 💪 JOIN or TRAINING Community (7-day FREE trial) - 🎓 Our Masterclass series - 🤯 Stuck with your training, looking for advice? WOD-Science consulting service Check out for FREE blogs and much more —----- CrossFit thrives on its methodology and the strong community behind it. Recently, the community has shown signs of division, partly due to the tragic events of this summer. In this video, I share my thoughts, compare CrossFit to sports like cycling and HYROX, and propose a solution to preserve CrossFit as the amazing sport it is today. —----- TIMESTAMPS Video is too short - just watch the whole thing :) #crossfit #competitions
