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Скачать с ютуб 2021 Bentley Bentayga Speed: World’s Fastest SUV в хорошем качестве

2021 Bentley Bentayga Speed: World’s Fastest SUV 4 года назад

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2021 Bentley Bentayga Speed: World’s Fastest SUV

The new Bentayga Speed takes the Bentayga’s extraordinary abilities to new levels, utilising the 6.0-litre W12 twin-turbocharged engine that delivers peak power of 635 PS (626 bhp). Effortless acceleration is always guaranteed thanks to 900 Nm (664 lb.ft) of torque, available as a plateau from 1,500 rpm to 5,000 rpm. The assembly of the W12 powertrain takes the skilled engine builders approximately ten per cent of the total hours required for the manufacture of the Bentayga Speed.
