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Скачать с ютуб Rhodes V8 Series | Sounds & Presets - Factory Presets в хорошем качестве

Rhodes V8 Series | Sounds & Presets - Factory Presets 1 год назад

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Rhodes V8 Series | Sounds & Presets - Factory Presets

In this film, chief product officer Dan Goldman, takes you through some of his favourite presets from the Rhodes V8 Pro. With 208 presets and 138 profiles included in the V8, you can find your perfect sound in just a few clicks. Visit our sites: Website ⮕ Instagram ⮕   / rhodes.piano   Facebook ⮕   / rhodespiano   Twitter ⮕   / rhodesofficial2   Customise your own Rhodes MK8 today: Try out the Rhodes V8 today:
