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Surprising Orthodox Jews by Speaking Yiddish

Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon. Today I am exploring the Hasidic Jewish neighborhood of Borough Park as everyone prepares for the Jewish festival of Sukkot. Let’s see what Orthodox Jews think about my Yiddish! Thanks to Reb Noyekh for teaching me Yiddish! If you want to learn with him go to: Thanks to my brother Nate (  / sunnysmith613  ) for showing me around! Thanks to ‪@HereBeBarr‬ for providing me some b-roll for the intro of this video. Check out his vids! 0:00 Introduction 0:48 Sponsored by Raycon 2:15 Getting kosher meat 3:59 Buying kosher wine 6:53 Chatting Yiddish on the street 7:53 Buying a lemon for $100 (not clickbait, it's an etrog) 10:56 Visiting a coffee shop 11:38 Hardware store 12:05 Looking at yarmulkes 12:41 Walking down the streets 14:04 Flower shopping in Spanish LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE WITH MY METHOD! ✉️ Join my newsletter and discover how I pick up new languages quickly (and learn how you can do the same): 👉🏼 📚 Check out my Street-Smart Language courses: 👉🏼 Subscribe to my channel:    / @xiaomanyc   Follow me on Instagram:   / xiaomanyc   Follow me on Facebook:   / xiaomanyc   If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here:
