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Dead Space Remake is Amazing: The Dead Space Retrospective 1 год назад

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Dead Space Remake is Amazing: The Dead Space Retrospective

[Membership] -    / @avalanchereviews   [MERCH!!!] - https://avalanche-reviews.creator-spr... [Patreon] -   / avalanchereviews   [Twitter] -   / avalanchejared   Listen we all love Dead Space and you know I love a good remake. So this is a match made in heave, right? Well it certainly could be. Today I want to compare the original Dead Space to its Remake and find out what (if anything) has been changed and exactly how faithful those changes are. You should probably expect me to at least barouche the subject of this game falsely being labeled as survival horror as well. Because I'm me and you know I can't help myself. Intro 00:00 Help Out If You Can 02:06 Development 04:53 Story 06:23 Gameplay 13:49 Presentation 30:42 Conclusion 47:07 End 49:54
