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Morrowind Mod of the Day - Troubled Waters Showcase 1 год назад

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Morrowind Mod of the Day - Troubled Waters Showcase

A contract dispute, a capsized shipwreck, betrayals, and danger abounds in today's Mod of the Day, for today we're showcasing Troubled Waters by Globemallow, a neat little quest mod that adds a new adventure for you to discover in the tiny fishing hamlet of Khuul. It seems an Imperial merchant and a Dunmeri sea captain are in the middle of a contract dispute relating to the loss of the Cliffracer's Roost, a cargo hauler that had been contracted to deliver Kwama eggs to Bravil but had floundered and sunk beneath the waves of the Sea of Ghosts. It's up to you to investigate the wreck and decide which party, if any, is in the right, and with multiple endings, you'll get to decide the fate of those involved. While it isn't a particularly long quest, Troubled Waters is a really well-written and neat adventure for you to stumble across, and as the fourth place winner in the 2023 Winter Modjam competition, it's definitely worth checking out and playing for yourself! Download Links: Troubled Waters By Globemallow - Requires OAAB Data - Compatible With: OpenMW, BCOM, Morrowind Rebirth, Grim Khuul and Enchanted Ald Velothi, Rocky West Gash, Spines of Madness, and pretty much all other mods. No Known Conflicts Note: This video was recorded with Rytelier's CinemaCam mod - The music in today's video is from Epidemic Sound.
