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Скачать с ютуб BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE (SONG) Gospel of Dismay -【COVER】Caleb Hyles, Jonathan Young & Adrisaurus в хорошем качестве

BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE (SONG) Gospel of Dismay -【COVER】Caleb Hyles, Jonathan Young & Adrisaurus 7 лет назад

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BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE (SONG) Gospel of Dismay -【COVER】Caleb Hyles, Jonathan Young & Adrisaurus

A Bendy and the Ink Machine Song, covered by Caleb Hyles, Jonathan Young, and Adrisaurus ♥DOWNLOAD NOW: ►Listen on Spotify or Apple: ♥MERCH STORE!♥ ♦SUPPORT ME!♦   / calebhyles   ♦FACEBOOK♦ ♦TWITTER♦   / calebhyles   ♦INSTAGRAM♦   / calebhyles   ♦TUMBLR♦   / calebhyles   ♦WEBSITE♦ ♦TWITCH♦   / peaceloveandgaming   ✧Click "Show More" below! (Store, descriptions, etc.)✧ ♦MY BAND!♦ :   / fromthedarkband   ♥NEW GAMING CHANNEL!♥    / @peaceloveandgaming   ☕Buy Me a Coffee ☕ ⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹ Instrumentalist:    / diamondarmadaonline   Cinematographer:    / travisdcarte   ⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹ Jonathan Young:    / jonathanyoungmusic   Adrisaurus:    / adrisaurus   ⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹═⊹ big one! First off, BIGGEST of thank you's to Will Ryan over at DAGames for allowing us to use his song for our cover. You're an incredible man and I can't wait to hang with you and your whole crew in the future :) Hats off to Travis Carte for the incredible coloring, editing, and filming. There's no artist quite like him. And of course, THANK YOU to Jon and Adrianna for joining me on this crazy crazy track xD (Yay for four hour recording sessions!!) I hope y'all enjoy this one~ This was a labor of love for sure ♥ Peace, love, and metal \m/
