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Friday Night Funkin - VS Sonic Dash & Spin - Genesis Battle (FC) скачать в хорошем качестве

Friday Night Funkin - VS Sonic Dash & Spin - Genesis Battle (FC) 2 years ago

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Friday Night Funkin - VS Sonic Dash & Spin - Genesis Battle (FC)

Dos cosas: 1.En general las canciones me dejaron a deber (excepto Genesis Battle que sí me gusta), pero al César lo que es del César: el apartado visual está hemoso. 2.Este mod me hizo sentir como en mi época kpoper donde los bsides suenan, en mayor o menos medida, mejor que el title track (las rolas del freeplay son mejores que las de la main week). Download: Credits Director -SoIhan-:    / @soihan   Director CoDirector Verde Ahin:    / @verdeahin   Codirector Art -SoIhan-:    / @soihan   Artist PCDELLOREE:    / @pcdellore4835   Concepts WooxPlay:    / @wooxplay6312   Sonic Movie Sprites Music Super Mario Bros.:    / @mario.s.m.b   Musician WooxPlay:    / @wooxplay6312   Chromatic Scales Creator Rag:    / @ragnaroswar   ExMusician Sonic Balance:    / @imjalance   ExMusician Meepers:    / @cannon64   Composer Chart Super Mario Bros.:    / @mario.s.m.b   Charter Fellipe13:    / @john77399   Charter Barragan57544:    / barragan5754cp   Charter lightbluesupersonic:    / @lichtbluesupersonic3120   Charter Coders SRing:    / sonicringo   LUA Editor Verde Ahin:    / @verdeahin   LUA Editor Snatchers: Coder DeimoX:    / @deimox   LUA Editor Voice Acting Ale Long:    / @longtimenoseeale   Sonic Voice Verde Ahin:    / @verdeahin   Tails Voice Collaborators Metal Sonic Robotic Rage Team: Metal-Chaos Song NostalgiaStudios: Whos The Best? Special Thanks sp4rk1ngc0m3t: Scrolling Background yoinked: Opponent's Life Bar for the Player Sanic9999: Sonic 3 and Knuckles Title Card JadynSmells: Sonic 1 Title Card and HUD RamenDominoes: Black Bars Event Saltyboii: Bad Apple Event Raltyro: Smooth Camera CoffeeDev: Pause Menu Benderzz: DodgeEvent Super Mario Bros. Funk Mix DX: Sonic 1 Sprites That One Sonic: Wind Original Song And You! thank you for being so patient! Decription: Join SONIC on an epic musical adventure! Help Sonic defeat the evil Dr. Eggman! Eggman stole the Master Emerald with which he can make portals, he is looking for the demonic power of a girl with a red dress and brown hair, for that he must robotize her, and so he will dominate the world and create Eggman Land once and for all, help Sonic to stop Eggman before it's too late! Things added for the mod: -New Songs -New Characters -Remastered Tutorial -New Designs For BF and GF -New Menu -New Pause Menu -Pixel Art Songs and Art -AND MORE! Yeah I'm adding more stuff to my description to trick youtube's algorithm because it sucks. I don't like doing this but there's no other option.(-ryoku05)(te mencionaré hasta el fin de los tiempos lol) tags: fnf ddr bf mod song mod new mod update rhythm #fridaynightfunkin #sonic #metalsonic #sega #underhero #mirror #rival #indie #indiegame #tripletrouble #tripletroublefnf #eggman #sans #tails #bendy #player #sonicexe #remix #mario #luigi #people #marlo #chile #pico #dave #sic #bambi #daveandbambi bandu bambi algebra dave dave and bambi sonic exe sonic.exe fnf new update fnf week 8 week 8 whitty tails gets trolled mami tomoe Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel originally created for Ludum Dare 47. Programmed by ninjamuffin99 with a soundtrack produced by Kawai Sprite and artwork created by PhantomArcade and evilsk8r, the game can be played on Newgrounds or played/downloaded for free on The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father Daddy Dearest doesn't approve of him. It's up to Boyfriend to rap battle his way through him and anyone else that stands in his way so that he can finally get freaky! Think you got what it takes? Gameplay made by me.
