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SPEED/SIZE COMPARISON 3D | Fictional SPACESHIPS 🛸 This is the NINTH Speed Comparison serie! This one is for Fictional MOVIE fans, which shows the Real size of Fictional Spaceships, and their max speed based on Calculated Fictional Movies. I had to use ZBRUSH for some of models , Substance Painter, Cinema 4D, and Unreal Engine 5 for render. Enjoy 😉 ⭐PATREON "Exlusive Content & Posts"   / rside   ⭐SUBSCRIBE: @REDSIDEofficial 🔔 TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS, and be the first to watch every video! ► Music: 1-x2 The Summoning by scott Buckley released under CC-BY 4.0. ‪@ScottBuckley‬ 2-x2 Dark Cinematic Ambient Background Music | "Dark Matter" by Argsound ‪@AgrebenshchikovMusic‬ 3-Sound effects by me, Spaceships, Ambient, birds, wind etc.. ► DISCLAIMER: This Video is based on: Public Data, Google Search, Surveys, Discussions and Comments. And some of the information can be close to Wrong degree. 📖THE INNOVATIONS OF HUMANKIND ► ©Timestamps: 00:00-Ep.1 (Sizes seen in First Person View) 06:03-Ep.2 (a Quick trip in Solar System) 08:58-Ep.3 (a Trip to Voyager 1) 09:57-Ep.4 (a Trip From Sun to Proxima Centauri) 10:44-Ep.5 (a Trip From Sun to Nearest Black Hole) 11:43-Ep.6 (a Trip From Milky Way to Andromeda) 12:42-Ep.7 (Distance Traveled IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE) #redside #fictional #spaceships #speed #comparison ► Follow my Social Networks TIKTOK:   / red.side   INSTAGRAM:   / redsidenft  
