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Скачать с ютуб Touring a £285,000 apartment on Montague Park, Wokingham в хорошем качестве

Touring a £285,000 apartment on Montague Park, Wokingham 3 недели назад

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Touring a £285,000 apartment on Montague Park, Wokingham

There's a lot to like about this apartment. Situated on the first floor within the heart of the development the location here is superb with easy access to London Road, A329M, local school and the on-site Co-Op just down the road. Internally the property has a generous hallway with two storage spaces, the primary bedroom with en-suite, and the master bedroom to the left, another bedroom in the middle, and the main living space off to the right. The living space offers ample natural light and the kitchen benefits from upgraded work surfaces and integrated appliances. The apartment offers a tasteful dark wooden flooring throughout which is both practical and durable and both bedrooms have built-in storage. Come and have a look for yourself! ✨ Sold by Matt & Matt at Avocado Property Wokingham 🥑 📲 📧 [email protected] #sellingwokingham
